Thursday, December 06, 2007


Blogger was playing tricks yesterday when I posted, and for some reason, the picture of the framed crochet piece disappeared into a little icon.

Lets hope that it will remain in this posting........

Have a great day everyone. Marion


Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

What a lovely gift, no wonder you were thrilled to receive it!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Marion,
I pray that you and John had a wonderful anniversary! I meant to comment yesterday and wish you many more happy years together...and then *my* time got away from me! LOL
Anyway, may the Lord bless you richly today and every day! We are looking forward to meeting you both 'in person'! What a treat that will be!
Take care, dear Marion!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

That is what i figured it looked like. I could not see it either. Like I said i have one very similar!! You will always cherish this. I know that I do.
Marion, I had to do a very sad thing this morning. I had to take our cat Simon to the vet and have him put to sleep. I am doing better now because I KNOW that i did the RIGHT THING. You can read about it on my blog. I hate having to do things in life that I really do not want to do...THIS was definitely one of them...Sandy

Come Away With Me said...

That is a lovely, thoughtful gift, and what a wonderful story of how your friendship with Betty was born and developed. And, by the way, Happy Anniversary to you and John!

Dawn said...

What a treasure!!!!!

Kerri said...

She certainly does beautiful work. What a thoughtful gift!

Betty said...

Thank you for the sweet post....we do count you and John as dear friends and feel that our lives are deeply enriched by our paths crossing yours....Our Lord is so gracious....Love to you...Betty

Willow said...

Wow! What amazing work!

Betty said...

Just to clarify, I did not do the crocheting...a talented lady in our church family did it for me....I wish I could crochet like she does....Blessings....Betty

Anonymous said...

What a lovely piece of work. I've been experiencing a lot of problems with blogger lately ~ sometimes it won't even let me post photographs. Glad to see you got it there in the end.

Have a good week and congratulations to you and John on the occasion of your wedding anniversary. Sorry to be so late in visiting ~

Marie x

Wurzerl said...

It's really a wonderful crochet piece. I prefere knitting clothes it' s more easy for me to do.
Have a good week Wurzerl

Mountain Mama said...

That's a beautiful piece of crochet. Definitely a keeper.

I want to wish you a 'late' happy Anniversary.
I like what you wrote, "by choice we have become good friends." It is a choice after all, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Neat picture. Yes, I too have that same Blogger issue!

Barbara said...

Popping over but I see you do not have a new post.
I had been thinking Betty was a genius at crotchet?
Hope you are well. We are celebrating our 48th wedding anniversary today. Did a post.
Blessings to you.

Kerri said...

Just stopping by to wish you and John a very merry Christmas Marion, and a blessed 2008.
Thanks so much for your beautiful's so clever!
It's been a joy keeping in touch with you and broadening our friendship over this past year.
I hope you stay in good health!

Wurzerl said...

Dear Marion,
wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Pearl said...

Everything looks just beautifully decoraated for the holidays. Hope you are doing well.

Lots of hugs,

Barbara said...

What a beautiful part of the world you live in!

Happy New Year to you both.