Friday, January 11, 2008


Well, I hope all is going well for you.... Unfortunately, I’m entering the new year feeling somewhat restricted. I am suffering with the spasm of the muscles in my back and shoulder area. Its causing quite a bit of pain and moving my arm isn’t easy.

Well folk..... This is the time of year that I’m sure some of you have been thinking about and possibly even making a few ‘New Year’s resolutions, perhaps some of them have already been broken too......

I don’t know about you, but I find I am constantly reviewing my life whatever time of year..... but the beginning of a New Year gives us the ideal opportunity to make a fresh start, to turn over a new page, to take stock if you like, and to identify things that we want to achieve or change in our lives.

I prefer to set ‘hopes and goals’ rather than resolutions, I feel more comfortable with those two words, they offer me a degree of flexibility which I consider are most important because I don’t feel full of self reproach and failure if I don’t fully succeed. Instead I evaluate what I have actually achieved on the way to my goal and if its something, no matter how small, then its been worthwhile. I think we really have to explore and understand our need to set goals for ourselves and appreciate the reality of the obstacles we shall inevitably meet. it’s a pity because all too often our expectations are set too high to achieve unrealistic goals. We fail and then feel totally unmotivated.

So bearing this in mind here are some of my hopes and goals for 2008.....

Health has been quite an issue for me during the past four years. I hope I’m through the problems now, however, I am forever mindful how important it is to maintain, so healthy living has to be at the top of my list....

Watch what I eat.....
TRY to drink 8 glasses of water a day (does anyone find this easy?)....
Walk more.....
Use my exercise bike at least once daily.....
Don’t procrastinate....
Learn more about computers (read the manuals).....
Readily embrace new things.

Anyone fancy sharing their hopes and goals for 2008......

Another point..... Recycling is the buzz word as we enter 2008 and I am forever mindful of ways we can help our planet. it’s not just putting out newspapers, cans and bottles for collection, there are many throwaway items out there that we can personally recycle and old wall paper sample books are just one that I’ve found a use for....... making attractive envelopes.

Here are a few of the pages I took from a wallpaper sample book. I have to say, some I wouldn't choose to put on my walls, but for making up into envelopes they are ideal. To get an envelope template, simply carefully unfold a convential one of the size you require, then drawn and cut around. I used a glue stick to seal the edges.

And... 'Voila'.... Pretty envelopes that have cost nothing, but were a joy to make, send and.... to receive I think. Tie them up with ribbon and they make a nice little gift too


Anonymous said...

Hi Marion,
I like the idea of 'hopes and goals' also. Much better than resolutions. At least you have a chance with a hope or goal. LOL
I love your envelopes. We don't have wallpaper sample books here, but I will make some out of pretty wrapping paper next time I want to impress.
Cheers for now,

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I never make resolutions because it is a waste of my time. I do enjoy your words...hopes and goals much better. Just like the word DIET!! I never use that word either because it just brings up so many bad things. I just try to eat as well as I can and not worry about that word.
Great post as always. I am so sorry that you are hurting again!! I know that our bodies just do not like to stay comfy...they like to complain. I would love to loose 20 more lbs this year. I did not make this goal lightly as I know that failing will just depress me. I think that I can do this and am going to try...hard.
Great to hear from you..

Come Away With Me said...

Those envelopes are just beautiful!

I agree, hopes and goals are the wisest way to approach things...long ago I gave up on "resolutions." Perhaps because I may be getting wiser as I also get older, Perspective does help one to learn a thing or two!

Regarding 8 glasses of water a day - here's what I do. I have a 16-oz drinking glass (equivalent to 2 cups). First thing when I get up in the morning I drink a glass full, and last thing before I go to bed (of course, this does mean I need to get up in the night *smile*). I down it as fast as I can instead of sipping over a period of time. So that gives me four cups. During the day I try to drink the other four cups (or two full 16-0z glasses, either as water or perhaps herbal tea, something like that. I had to get into this habit when I was required to take a pill every 8 hours; no longer need the pills, but kept the habit.

Mary said...

Hi there!
I found you through Lynda, at Hedgerow Hollow. I have to tell you that when your banner picture came up on my computer screen, I literally caught my breath -- so beautiful!

I love the idea of hopes and goals. I will hope for (and work toward) health and happiness this year. And my goal is to live IN each and every day.

Anonymous said...

Hi, just visited your blog for the first have some lovely's a beautiful area where you live! What a good idea of making envelopes...I'm all for recycling, especially finding bargains in charity shops.
Margaret and Noreen at THY

Kerri said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're having pain again Marion. I admire your postive attitude and like your idea of hopes and goals.
I could just use your list because it suits me well :)
The envelopes are so pretty. What a creative idea.
I hope and pray you'll feel better very soon. Living with pain is never easy.

Willow said...

My hopes and goals: like you, healthy living; more knitting from my stash.
I do like the envelopes!

Betty said...

Dear Friend Marion,
How did I miss your post yesterday...I thought I checked...

I can attest first hand to your beautiful, unique envelopes...they are a gift themselves....

I don't need to make new resolutions or goals, mine are pretty much the same from year to year....I need to be more diligent....

I do hope your shoulder is better...

Can't wait to hear the 'news'...Betty

Anonymous said...

Those envelopes are fabulous! Like you, I've been trying to find creative ways to reuse things rather than throw them away ... and I ♥ thrift shops! Setting "hopes & goals" is much better than resolutions ~ it seems a little easier to keep them.

Thank you so much for coming by to visit my blog and for your lovely comment. No treasures were waiting for me this time at the Salvation Army but next week might be a different story!

I hope your back and shoulder feels better soon.

~ Lynda (Hedgerow Hollow)

Susie said...

Hi Marion,
Hopes and goals is such a positive way of looking at our plans for a New Year! Sorry to hear you're having pain. I'll keep you in my prayers..
Those envelopes are lovely and I would have never thought of using wallpaper samples...

Barbara said...

Marion I do hope that your have less health problems in this coming year. I hope your current back and shoulder pain ease too. My prayers are with you.
I donot believe in N Y resolutions. I like to trust God to show me what it is He wants of me and that is an on going thing.
I like yur envelopes. I have had an envelope template for years and have yet to have a go at using it.

Unknown said...

The 8 glasses of water a day is such a balancing act, and must follow (for me) with getting to sleep at a decent hour and structuring the day well. If combined with the exercise I CAN do, then one bottled water per 60-90 minutes works wonders. That's just my experience.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marion

Sorry to read that you are having back and shoulder pain. As someone who has lived with chronic pain in this area for years, I know how debilitating it can be.

I love your envelopes ~ they are so pretty. I also visit thrift shops ~ in fact, I've been thrifting with Lynda, who commented earlier ~ so much more fun when you go with a friend.

Marie x

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Dear Marion,

A new year and a new frock for your blog to wear, I see. I like the new pic of you too!

Drinking 8 glasses of water is difficult. What I do is drink lots of tea, herbal tea which is just as good if not better. And it is much easier to drink too, a nice cuppa on a cold winter's day, mmmmmm goes down a treat. My favorite brand of herbal tea is Selestial Seasonings and sometimes I make my own herbal tea from plants and leaves from my garden.

We have some goals in common I see: learn more about computers and using the exercise bike more.

Thanks for the wonderful idea of re-using wallpaper by turning it into envelopes. Yours look very pretty!

Well, happy bicycling Marion! ;-)

BTW I've linked with you, I hope that's OK?

Betty said...

Dear Friend Marion,

Enjoyed hearing from you today...Sounds like Wales is water logged...we are having rain presently but are still in a drought situation..It is very cold here and suppose to be colder tonight...

Take care....Love, Betty

Mountain Mama said...

I didn't make any New Year Resolutions. I just pray the Lord will help me to be the lady he created me to be.
I like your envelopes. What a wonderful idea. Thanks for sharing.

Sigrun said...

Hi Marion, thank you for the letter, that reached me days ago. Your envelopes are looking great!

And I hope, you feel better now?


TYRA Hallsénius Lindhe said...

Hello Marion, resolutions are hard to keep so I have the same every New Year. Mine is 'I shall not to smoke' and so far I have not started yet :)
Very clever with the wallpaper, I have to try that they are so pretty.