I apologise to all my friends who have visited recently only to find that I have not updated my blog for almost a month.
I don’t want to bore you with all my ailments, but in brief, the muscle spasms in my back were so bad that a number of other problems were created... There was much pressure on the nerves in my neck and head, it was causing me to be very light headed and my sight was affected too. It was really quite scary! Particularly when my blood pressure went dangerously high. I was advised to take things easy.... not to sit at the computer screen, watch much TV and it’s even been difficult to read because the text kept merging, in fact its been quite boring time, not being able to pursue a lot of things I enjoy. However, things are starting to improve, I’m having physio both at hospital and in the swimming pool now and my blood pressure, which is still not back to normal, has come down and is being observed.
It was school half term last week, and it was a blessing to have John at home. The beginning part of the week the weather was gloriously warm..... I would dearly have loved to be out gardening, but I had to make do with observing it from the summer house. Towards the weekend the weather turned and although we’ve continued to have clear blue skies and brilliant sunshine, its been bitterly cold.
Yesterday was one of those crisp, sunny days so, wrapping up warm, John and I took a walk to the ‘snowdrop wood’. I haven’t been out taking pictures since my last posting in January, so this was an ideal opportunity to have a theme for a new post. I hope you enjoy the scenes from our walk as much as we did......
If you click on the pictures you'll more detail.
This pretty stream meanders its way through the village.......
Sheep on the lower slopes of the mountain are being rounded up by a well trained sheep-dog.....
We walk along the man made dyke, built to give some protection against flooding. It was lovely to see small fish darting along in the crystal clear water.
At this point I waded across the shallow stream to the snowdrop wood on the other side. It was then I discovered I had a leaky wellington boot!
What an amazing sight... the woodland floor was a carpet of snowdrops. It was here, as I stood quietly in the warmth of the February sun, I heard the sound of a woodpecker rapping in the depths of the wood . I didn't venture far, it seemed such a pity to crush these exquisite little flowers underfoot.
At first sight you may be puzzled by the picture below.... Well its frog spawn! We were amazed to see such vast masses of it as we walked across the fields. Up until a week or so ago, these same fields were so flooded they looked more like lakes. Although the flood waters have receded now, the fields are still saturated, and I'm left wondering what will happen to all the baby tadpoles when they become totally stranded on dry land. I think I may return with a jar and take some home....... I can make a little pool in a water tight container in the garden, then put them back into the river when they are developed.
The many little rivers, streams and brooks in and around the village eventually flow into this river.....
These two ancient cottages, bathed in winter sunshine greet us as we finally get back into the village. 
This pretty cottage sits just behind the first one. For years it stood empty and derelict, now it has been lovingly restored
Dear Marion,
first I wish you all the best for your health. It' s wonderful to have you back again. I love your pictures from the white wonder! This snowdrops are so stunning!
Have a better time and enjoy your week
Wow what a walk. i am exhausted!! Again as I have said so many times before and will probably keep saying..Your country is beautiful even in February!! We have had a lot of gorgeous sun and just lovely weather here. WE went out for lunch for my birthday and then just came home and have been relaxing as best I can. I don't do stopping much!! smile. Hope you are feeling better so that you can come over here to see us all. Sandy
Dear Friend Marion,
I am so happy that you are feeling better and posting.....
Oh, what a beautiful white carpet of blooms....like a fairy land....all the pictures are absolutely breath taking.....
Our scenery is not in the same genre but to us it's beautiful and I am so anxious to share it with you....
My grandchildren would love to raise the tadpoles into frogs....
The sheep, the ancient stone houses take my thoughts away into books I've read......Betty
Hello Marion,
found your blog entry on Wurzerl's Blog and decided to visit you.
How wonderful is your area, you are surrounded by nature. The snowdrops field is so pretty.
My flowers are covered by snow and will take a while until I see them in my garden.
cheers from Canada.
Dear Marion,
I am happy to read that you are feeling better and also to find that you are posting again. Please take good care of yourself and get well soon!
Snowdrops are one of my favourites so to see all those zillions of snowdrops on your blog is a real treat!
Thanks for taking me on this lovely walk, I've enjoyed it a lot!
How nice that the pretty cottage has been restored! I don't like it when beautiful houses like that become derelict.
Don't forget to buy new wellies!:-)
Dear Marion, I'm so glad to see you posting and happy to hear your health has improved enough for you to get out for a walk. I'm so sorry you've been ill again. Poor thing..you've been through the wars!!
I can't tell you the joy your photos of the glorious countryside surrounding you brings me. I catch my breath in wonder at the beauty and your descriptions add that extra touch.
Oh, those snowdrops are a magical sight!
I hope and pray you'll be well enough to get out into your garden soon and do all the other things you love as well.
I hope you can patch that boot!! :)
Sending warm hugs dear friend,
Your walk was beautiful. It must be such fun to be able to walk in such a peaceful looking area.
The snowdrops are incredible. I didn't know that they grew wild there.
Sorry to hear you have had health issues. I pray you are totally well soon and have no more problems.
Hello Marion - thank you for these beautiful photos. The snowdrops are so amazing - I have never seen them in such numbers before; we don't have them here. Interestingly, snowdrops have been mentioned in two books I've been reading about life in the country, and now I know what was being said about masses of them covering the ground!
I am glad that you are feeling better; do take it easy and be good to yourself...
Hello Marion, after reading your Blog again,
I have to tell you about the UK show I watch here in Canada..
Location, Location, Location
hosted by: Kirstie Allsopp , Phil Spencer in which they try to find ideal homes for the nation's most choosy house hunters.
Some of their clients look for places like yours. Are you familiar with the show?
I love watching the show because it is entertaining and allows me to view the different country sides as well.
Cheers and thanks for your visit.
This morning it is snowing again...
This beautiful photo essay was worth waiting for but I'm so sorry to hear you haven't been well.
I send my best wishes for a continued improvement in your health.
You pictures make me miss England. Those little stone cottages........ the gorgeous snow drops.
Thank you so much for giving your readers such pleasure.
I am so pleased to see you back on line again. I do hope you continue to improve daily.
Thank you for the lovely walk through the fields, into the snowdrop woods and past the stone cottages. I am completely refreshed!
Hi Marion, Sorry to hear that you haven't been too well lately. Hope you are contiuing to improve.
I enjoyed the walk to Snowdrop Wood and back to your village. Now I'm homesick once again!
You are so lucky to live in such a pretty village.
Cheers and keep well,
Good morning, Marion!
Your photos are wonderful, I feel like beeing in Britain.
Good morning, Marion!
Your photos are wonderful, I feel like beeing in Britain.
It is so nice to walk again with you through your lovely neighbourhood and the wonderful snowdrop forest. I really hope you are fine again and all the health problems are over and finished.
I love this old stoney cottage...so typical for Great Britain (at least in my eyes!)
Have a good time!
Glad yu are back Marion and trust that you continue to improve. Great pictures and lovely snowdrops. It does seem early for forg spawn.No sign of ours in the pond at all yet.
Hi Marion,
I am so sorry to read about your back/neck problems. As someone who has lived with such problems for years, I understand how debilitating it can be. I do hope that the physiotherapy and hydrotherapy help and you are soon more comfortable.
What a beautiful snowdrop wood. How lovely to see the spring flowers after the flooding. We have snow again today, so I think that it will be quite a while before we see signs of spring.
Marie x
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