After two years of blogging, exchanging what must be hundreds of personal e-mails and enjoying telephone conversations, My dear friend Betty and I finally met at Atlanta airport on 18 May. There was no hesitation, we instantly recognised each other and felt in complete harmony as if we’d been the bestest of friends for ever. Big smiles, strong embraces exchanged and happiness reigned... what an incredible feeling it was to meet Betty and Edward face to face....
We’d left our home in Wales at 3.30 am that morning, it was an easy drive to Manchester airport with little traffic on the motorway. Airport security was strict, but that was in everyone’s interest. Our flight with Delta Airline took nine and half hours. Georgia is 5 hours ahead of GMT.... we landed at 3pm local time and encountered even stricter security at Atlanta airport, it took two hours to clear customs and immigration. It was on our way to claim our luggage that I heard my name called, I turned and there stood my dear friend Betty, looking as lovely as she has looked in the many the pictures I’d seen of her.
Edward located the car in the car park and we drove off ‘on the wrong side of the road to what we are used to’. We took the highway, headed south and finally arrived at the gorgeous home of Mindy, Chip, Davis & Drew, Betty’s daughter and family where we stayed overnight. Mindy had prepared the most delicious meal, several of the dishes were a new experience for John and me and they tasted as good as they looked. It was so good to be amidst such a warm and welcoming family and enjoy such terrific hospitality. Yes, we were soon to learn that HOSPITALITY is a very big word in Georgia and it continued from that very first day until our departure on 30 May.
My story will continue........
I'm sure that you have noticed my blog's 'new look'. I have to pay tribute and grateful thanks to Betty's grand daughter Erin for the lovely effect she has achieved by adding the toile wallpaper background..... Erin is a girl with many talents. Thank you Erin...
Dear Friend Marion,
Reading your blog, I hear your sweet voice echoing in my mind and it brings tears to my eyes...more than one....
How I wish you and John were here...I think of so many things to show and ask you....time was entirely too brief...
What a sweet blessing it was to see you face to face and to see your sweet smile and lilting voice....and to shop for shoes...more than one pair....
I'm so looking forward to reading your perspective on our time I write my recollections....
Edward and I look forward to being with you and John again...Love to you both.....Betty
Hello Marion!! So nice to see pictures of you again!! i so enjoyed meeting you and still cannot really believe that we REALLY met!! I know that you are so happy to be at home now!! I know you had a great time and i am also looking forward to reading about it all.
Thanks again for coming to meet myself and Mike. We so enjoyed it.
I've been reading Betty's blog and think it is so wonderful how you were all able to meet face to face. I hope you dont mind me stopping by your blog. Have a blessed day!
This is so exciting! I'm going to be meeting a blog friend soon too and I'm so very excited about it.
I do like the toile backgrond.
Looking forward to hearing about your visit to Georgia.
How lovely for you to meet your blogging friend....
The toile background is beautiful!
Greetings Marion! I do like your new blog look, the toile is a nice touch. I'll be back to see more of your visit! Glad to hear you and your husband were the recipients of that famous southern hospitality (I never doubted you would be)!
Marion - I'm thrilled that your holiday was even more wonderful than you imagined it would be.
I'm looking forward to hearing more of this beautiful time you and John spent with Betty and Edward - and the shoe shop?
Whilst we may 'waste' a few hours at the computer, blogging does have some wonderful things to offer - especially the lasting friendships across the world, as you have now been fortunate enough to experience face-to-face.
I hope you are keeping in good health too, Marion.
Hello Marion, I came over to your site from my dear friend Beverly at How Sweet the Sound. I immediately fell in love with your beautiful posts. How lovely that you came to the USA and met up with Betty and her family. this blogging is an amazing way to make friends far and near. Come and visit me at Backyard Neighbor. My sisters go to England to buy antiques and they adore your country.
Blessings, Jeanne
How lovely to see these photos of your happy, smiling faces! I can just imagine the joy you felt at meeting, and the wonderful time you had getting to know one another, even better, in person.
Ross and I noticed the new wallpaper while you were still away and thought you must've found a 'tech-smart' helper over here :)
It's beautiful!
After you've sorted out all those photos, which I'm sure you took, I hope you'll post some and tell us more about your wonderful hoiday.
Enjoy settling back in dear Marion. I hope you're well. xoxox
What a wonderful experience! The pictures are great too. I bet you can't wait to get together again.
Hi MArion It's nice to meet a friend of Betty's. I know she was so excited about your visit. Thank you for coming to my porch party today. Hope the 92 degree weather wasn't too much for you. It's supposed to be 97 today!!
We have visited your beautiful country twice, once staying with some folks who lived at Pentrenant Hall Churchstoke, Montgomery, Powys. I wonder if that is near you.
I am going to come back and visit again and look at some of your beutiful photos.
Thanks for visiting my blog, and for coming to my Front Porch party. Please visit me again soon.
Ms. Marion,
It was entirely delightful meeting you. I so enjoyed our time together. I do you hope you can come back sometime soon. At least we all have lovely memories until then. Take Care and God Bless!
Hi Marion,
So glad to hear you had a nice visit with Betty and also with Sandy. It's wonderful the connections that we've made through blogging.
Fantastic for you Marion. Good to read your side having read Betty's. I am sure there will be more.
I knew immediately where you got your new web design from.
Well you see Willow's comments !!
Then watch this space.
Oh! and welcome home.
Isn't amazing what the internet has brought about? How lovely for you two to finally meet and it looks like you and your hubby had a wonderful time there. Can't wait to read all about it.
Love the toile wallpaper on your blog!
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