My last post ended with me going off to enjoy my birthday. Goodness, that was nearly a month ago! I have catching up to do again...... Well, back to my 'special day' we had a lovely scenic drive and enjoyed lunch at a quaint hotel..... Here are some pictures I took.

Despite the dead bracken on the high banks and leafless tress, there is a special beauty about these country lanes on a dull February day that I love.

Old dry stone walls and gates hold a fascination for me.... what lies on the other side? I had to stop and take a look.....

The view opens up to reveal a great expanse of water..... This is one of the many spectacular lakes to be found in this part of Wales, nearly all of glacial origin . Many thousands of years ago moving ice carved out the mountainous landscape in this region leaving us with such beauty today.

This lake, sheltered by this wonderful range of mountains, is well known for its sizeable trout and the area is rich with wild life too.

Many sparkling tributaries flow into the lake.

The sound of running water is ever present. Here another little river flows into the mighty lake.

A bridge for walkers and a ford for vehicles. Children always find it fun to drive through the ford and its a great place for paddling on hot summer days too.

The old Toll Bridge is a useful short cut over the estuary and worth every penny of the 60p charge.

We find a nice hotel for lunch, overlooking the estuary, you can just make out the little wooden toll house where the toll fee is paid.

All signs are bilingual.

Yes, this will do nicely!

A table for two please!

Would you like a drink from the Bar?

Gorgeous views which ever way you look.

A place of beauty that holds a dark tragedy.... the sand bar around the bridge is a treacherous place with an incoming tide and was the scene of a pleasure boat disaster in the '60s in which many folk were drowned.

Hope you enjoyed our little excursion.... Must have been the excitement..... I had a nose bleed, you can see my handbag stuffed with tissues.
I write this post on Easter Sunday morning...... To all my friends.... "May you all take joy in this day with the hope and promise of Easter".
Dear Marion
The pictures are so wonderful! We have snow today and the weather is so bad!
Happy Easter and have a good time!
LG Lis
Thanks for sharing this lovely excursion with us Marion. It's so good to hear from you!
Your photos of the Welsh countryside never fail to give me a wonderful feeling of peace. It's just beautiful in your corner of the world.
What a quaint hotel. Looks like a great place to have lunch. Hope it was delicious and that you had a very happy birthday.
Wishing you and John Easter blessings dear friend.
Boy it looks like you two had a great time, Marion. I always love your pictures as you know. I wish that I were as small as you are!! Must be nice!! smile!!
What a great way to spend your birthday!!
I enjoyed the birthday trip with you John just as much again.....
Hope your Easter day was blessed with good health and sunshine....
Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog....
Counting down the days until May....Love to you both....Betty
Hello Marion, I enjoyed going along with you to your birthday lunch. You found a very nice place for lunch. King George III, even I know a bit about him; he was quite important to us over here on the other side of the pond....maybe the reason we are now an independent country....ancient history now, of course! I love your sweater jacket (you probably call it something else....); it's very pretty . And the kleenex stuffed in your purse kind of matches your sweater. You are well coordinated for your birthday!
Easter blessings to you and your husband....
Dear Friend Marion,
I visited yesterday and left a comment.....guess blogger wasn't working....I enjoyed again seeing your birthday outing......
I posted about our gifts tonight....thank you again....Betty
What a lovely way to spend your Birthday. It sounds like a perfect day except for the nose bleed. I hope that doesn't happen again.
Your pictures are so wonderful and your descriptions are great. They make me feel as if I am actially there walking with you. Thank's so much for posting them.
Hello Marion, Thank you for the lovely photos of Wales. I never get tired of looking at Welsh hills. It always makes me feel like, I have come home.
The lake on your photos wouldn't be Vyrnwy would it?
Hello Marion
What a lovely trip around the Welsh countryside. Very belated birthday greetings from Canada!
Marie x
Fantastic photos Marion.
Makes me wish I lived there. Though it's on my list of places to see.
Enjoyed the excursion in that beautiful countryside Marion. Thanks for taking us with you.
What a lovely outing for your birthday. The pictures really show off your beautiful part of the world.
Thank you for this lovely excursion Marion, I've enjoyed it very much. Wales is a very beautiful part of our planet. Do you speak Welsh too?
Wonderful pictures, really took me back - husband and I ate at the George on our wedding night.
I know the Toll bridge well too. Mum was born and brought up in Dolgellau, we used to holiday there every year until I was 12 - my Grandparents moved then to be close to Mum.
The air at Penmaenpool was reputed to be good for the lungs, and Mum remembered her father taking her there for asthma (maybe I misrecall the ailment).
Best wishes from Liverpool
Happy Birthday to you! Your birthday excursion sounds delightful. Thanks for taking us along.
And Happy Easter to you and your family, too. I have been out of town and just now am catching up on my blog reading.
Dear Friend Marion,
Happy Friday Morning to you and John and of course...George...
Thanks for visiting with me and commenting on the 'key keeper' is nice to know where my keys are when I want them.....
Love, Betty
It looks so beautiful in your pictures and makes me wish I could get on a plane for a vacation. You have a wonderful blog!
We definitely should visit Wales! Fantastic areas and a beautiful nature as my husband and I like.
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